Role: Observation, Research, Ideation, Production, Exhibition Installer.
Skills: Attention to Detail.
Time Frame: 7 weeks.
Tools Used: Fontself, Illustrator, Photoshop, Indesign.
Sundae Sans is a geometric typeface derived from a perfect circle. There is an emphasis on the airy counters and the choice to create minuscule descenders with a curve. Sundae Sans is intended to be used as a display type.
The specimen includes both majuscules, minuscules, numbers, and limited punctuation.
Emma's Sundae Fundae is a failing ice cream store in Union, SC. Many factors contribute to its failure, one of which is its inconsistency in its design identity. To create a more cohesive experience, Sundae Sans was created to help emulate the friendly, inviting, and childlike nature of the place.
Preparation for designing a typeface for Emma’s Sundae Fundae consisted of extensive research into the history, culture, and society of Union. Learning all that was possible helped guide the decision-making and led to the inspiration for this typeface. Researching also led to studying examples of other popular dessert spots such as Tutti Frutti and Yogurt Mountain. From the research, I established three attributes the typeface should convey: childlike, friendly, and airy.
The process of designing this typeface began with the first six letters: ABHOPX. These became the building blocks for the rest of the specimen.
After sketching ABHOPX, I began digitalizing them into Illustrator. From there, I began tweaking areas where I encountered problems in proportion, visuals, and geometry. Eventually, I created building block letters that helped create the typeface in an efficient manner.